Balsam Mountain Cabins

Laundry Room! We have added a washer and dryer off of the kitchen in the boarding house. Please bring your own supplies, there are a few there for emergency use, but it will not be stocked on going. Easy access from the outside as well. See pictures
The old icemaker has been replaced and the new one is operational
We have taken the refrigerator out of service inside the kitchen – it didn’t control its temperature well and was too old to spend money on. It would freeze vegetables…. There is a large walk in refrigerator outside the kitchen door that has plenty of space and shelving for your use.

Stop by and check out our new community fire pit. 
Sure to be a hit! 

Boarding house members we have some new updated games for all ages that will be kept in the family room of the boarding house.



A cart to help you transfer material too and from your locker is now available! It is stored in the closet on the hall farthest from the driveway. It works great, please use!

  • New Outdoor Kitchen

    • There are cast iron pots and pots available for use stored under the grill.

    • Please make sure and clean the grill and empty the grease trap so we don’t attract bears

    • There are heaters available. The two row of horizontal switches are for the heaters. There are 4 elements, one side rocker for each – on and off.

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